Mihanada Pectolite
// COMPLETED // 5,5 // 19 avril. 2020 so puuuuuure ».«
Let's Have a Baby Dragon
chptr. 27 // 2 novembre. 2019 YA PLUS DE 200 CHAPITRES ET ON MET 1 AN À EN AVOIR 30 JE VAIS PLEUREEEERR chptr. 124 // i hate it i hate it i hate it fuck their love story is a tragic one- in a manhwa as sweet and easy going as this one- fuckfuckfuck damn emperor and his dragon’s impossible love- don’t even know the name of the bitch IM IN TEARS OKAY chptr. 156 // p a i n is where im at. so, they took the 1st ranked dragon, the redhead lover back to the heaven’s realm the same day as his wedding, to get him back redhead gave his divine power, meaning that one has eternal life and is bound to see his fated one grow old and die all over again, the emperor’s twin also wont be able to keep his promise and get the 1rst rank back to the human realm since he is juste about to get involved with the vilain that occasionaly made the emperor go even weaker after that same person was offered the life of the one he was in love with, that person being the 1rst rank dad (wich doesnt know about the death of his dad) fuck me in the ass ive been sobbing like a bitch for over an hour here. 185 // I HOPE THERE’S SIDE CHPTR WITH THE EGGS AND THEN THEIR BABIES (my previous assumptions were all pretty damn wrong hdkdbd and if im correct and the 1st rank and the red hair were given an egg too then maybe they were given their divine dragons souls back.., hoping that we’ll see more <3)
Sweet Blood (kim Se-young) Manhwa
// COMPLETED // 79,20 // 17 november. 2019
Sadistic Madness
// COMPLETED // 6 // 25 fev. 2020
Emperor, Stay Here, Your Knight's Getting Off Work
chptr. 6 // 26 november. 2019
Back to School
1 - Back to School 2 - Back to School: All Grown Up chptr. 25 // 2 dec. 2019 [end of season one] :((( i feel so sad :( so, chiwoo and jiyhun have been friends and were close, jihyun liked him and chiwoo knew it however never really gave a response and was vague about it. one day jihyun snapped and kissed him forcefully and beat him up while drunk and was accused of murder the same day (wich he didn’t commit). sent to jail and back, followed chiwoo in school. chiwoo was getting close (friendly) to the class president and the class president has feelings for him. however, i don’t know if chiwoo is in love with his ex-best friend because he really misses him and after the class president kissed him he immediately thought about jihyun so i don’ know who i want him to end up with, but my heart aches for the three of them, especially my class president sweetheart :(( i kinda want chiwoo to end up with the class president but it seems unlikely and impossible/far away, and only if jihyun gets his own sweet love bc, yeah he lost patience and got violent but i feel like he isn’t bad deep down and is capable of genuine care and love towards someone :/ actually, a lot of that was wrong or close to the truth. // COMPLETED // 45 // 23 septembre. 2020
Bloody Sweet