Inso's Law Webtoon
chptr. 51 // 8 mai. 2020 getting some extraordinary you vibe ~~ kind of REAAAAALLYYYYY intrigued about how the story is gonna be lead and ended.. i really like this story and it’s uniqueness i’m wondering who’s gonna be her love interest since they introduced us to 5 amazing male leads and all of them showed signs (some a lot and some in a more subtle way) of being interested in her. I firstly thought that she was gonna end up falling in love with the blue aired one and that her best friend would be with the grey haired one but even he showed some signs of love affection towards her while those for the blue haired one basically disappeared, maybe he really only likes her as his friend wich would break my heart since she seemed really interested in him but tries to lie to herself to not get false hopes and get hurt.. am still kind of afraid that they only like her because they’re supposed to as character of a webtoon and that some would feel weirded out if she voices more her concerns, thoughts and feelings... (such as for the blue aired one, she really liked him however can’t say it since he only likes to hang out with her and be her friend since she’s not interested in him...) (T ^ T) OH ALSO, what a HANDSOME HYUNG WAOUH chptr. 58 // ok just rode some spoilers and that was so not what i was expecting, shit am disappointed chptr. 204
Harukaze no Etranger
chptr. 16 // 31 octobre. 2019 1. Umibe no Étranger 2. Harukaze no Étranger (sequel) sinche chptr. 13, we’re 5 years later when fumi is now in 8th grade (13 yo i think) and was always mad and shouting at shun abd mio bc he learnt that shun was engaged to jsp, go his heart broken in lasr chptr. chptr. 21
90's Cram School for Unripe Apples
chptr. 139
The One Within the Villainess
chpte. 18,6 // ooo almost there she saved the world from the mana, kill a god then freed two others, connected the human and demon territory through hers, is developping business with the efforts and products she and the demons worked hard on for months, has gathered proof oh her innocence and is waiting for the perfect oportunity to reveal it and the ones who wronged emi are slowly touching the bottom kkkkk remilia is my kinf of bad bitch 23
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess