// COMPLETED // 63 // 24 janvier. 2019
I leave the boys love to my imagination since it’s not a yaoi nor a shounen ai T.T
So sweet and beautiful that i didn’t care about it ! It has an important message very well passed and i teared up a lot. like, i cried a lot. such a beautiful story and meaning,
I simply fell in love with this story.
≪≫ After loss left eye sight from spending thoughtless life, Yuu has learnt & tries to make up repeating the last year high school where he meets up Kenji who has hearing impairment [learns in normal classroom by looking & working hard on it.], can't speak, being bullied from people around and even being terribly abused by his low-life-mom since he's a lil child.
≫➤ Compared to Yuu who have such a perfect family, Kenji has hundreds times - thousands times worse suffering. Seeing a real mom terribly abuses her own child is such a heartache.
Let's see how Kenji becomes Yuu's inspiration and how Yuu saves the poor Kenji.
Nanohana Boys