Living With Him: Heating Up
the end panel is so cute to the point where I nearly cried
Darlin', Iikagen ni Shiya Gare
Koi ga Bokura wo Yurusu Hani
dawg I'm cryINGGGGG I really liked this ☹️☹️☹️ really tugged at my heart strings, mangaka played 'em like a master cellist. anyways complex emotions is my jam ??? idk I'm tired and I really enjoyed this, honestly made for me!!! wasn't sure about the "I'll rape her!!!! yeah!!!" but I managed to pick up my phone and continue writing and I enjoyed the story so yahoo I vow to read all of this mangaka's works, this was that good
Secret One Room
“all the things you said that I thought were summer lies” really sensitive writing, I enjoyed this a lot!
40 x 40 Chikuwa Kaigi
PERFECT BRILLIANT I LOVE IT favey fave. love dynamics like this! the best! I love idiots. makes me want to rewatch peep show (why) their dynamic improved with the 22 year marination (sorry for your tears muffin-baby-pie, I don't want you to have them back) switch written so well, it can feel a little forced (in other manga) but this was great. Mangakas unique approach to censorship made me laf (laugh)
Bad Candy You Give Me