The White Cat That Swore Vengeance Was Just Lazing on the Dragon Kings Lap
This one is actually really good, I hope it updates more
I Like You
I love everything about this! From the misunderstandings to the comedic acts!! Even the overall seriousness and cute couple momments blew me away! The way Andy is slowly starting to fall in live with Jesse is so fucking heartwarming! I really want more!
Following Namsoo To The Bathhouse
From the way they started off, to the different points of views, to honestly everything in here; I have to say it's one my fucking favorites. I love how the uke stalks him at first, how they fell for eachother, and the extra side stories too! This is a really funny and cute couple, plus they have sex almost every chapter; which is always a bonus. I'd honestly recommend this to jer, but he's already read it; that sly dog! So just to conclude this whole paragraph; it's an amazingly wholesome and sexy story. I love it and will definitely come back to read it again
We Immediately Swing at Foul Balls
I love this so much! The students are gay, even the teacher is gay lmfao!! Even when they do grow up, they never change. It has a nice wholesome ending, and a good lesson. I love the lesson the most: Even long before and forever after, what continues for eternity it love. This was a good read; a normal wholesome read to run away from life to
Goshujinsama wa Ouji ga o Suki
BL Motel
I love this, I love this so much. Oh my God, the babies are so cute! They finally confessed and they are adorable together, I love them so much. I hope they stay together forever; happily. Btw, the sex after the confession was fUKCinG aMaZInG. I love the fact that the boss didnt even know why there were so many gay couples coming in after he renamed the Motel,"BL." That was so fucking funny! They even use the boyfriend shirt theme, but with a hoddie(ch43-45)!! It was great
I Want to Spoil Ikurou-san
This couple has quite literally killed me in the most sweetest and manliest way I've ever experienced