Garmy's manga / #Beautiful Art(758)

It's My Destiny To Be The Hero's Saviour

Ongoing | 도담 | 2019 released

good as fuck translation stops at chapter 8. the good scan group is continuing to update but its taking a while since their discord just got deleted. the rest of the chapters are okay but i don’t wanna settle so come back and read this in like 3 months. plot is fucking AMAZING tho

Love So Pure

Complete | PlanB | 2000 released

ch.97 this fucking story was so fucking good oh my god. thought i was just going to read up until chapter 10 then get bored but NO!! the plot was so fucking good it SUCKED me in bruh. like this author combined both hilarious comedy to the point where i was laughing every chapter, and serious character/plot development which had me in stitches. i am so attached to the main characters, side characters, and love both couples equally now as a result of the author fleshing the story out so well. each character felt like an actual person, and not someone made up. everything about them wasn’t 2D, because they had traumas that explained deeply about their personality. like the villain blonde girl in the beginning is the perfect example, because she is introduced as a total asshole. but as the story progresses, it’s seen that she knows her faults and in all honesty just wanted to get closer to the main characters but didn’t know how to reach out. instead she used eye catching ways to get their attention. along with this, when she is first introduced she is telling someone on the phone how she wants to be friends with mc, because she has always wanted a gay friend. see here i was thinking,”oh typical popular blonde mean girl troupe, where she wants a gay friend to carry around like a handbag.” when in actuality, she was nothing like that. literally it’s revealed she’s a fucking lesbian and that had the biggest shock factor to me cuz i TURNED on my own KIND!!! like who am i?! that’s how fucking good this story is, because it had me rethink every character that came along and look past what i first see. like nerdy boy bro, i thought he was just that and only that. but later he shines when he comes through for his boyfriend and makes up a plan to get the gang off his back. he is legit the smartest mf in this comic and i respect it. also bro learned from his homophobia and turned into an ally by researching. that shit was so refreshing to read too, cuz my guy came through. later then he started to learn about his own sexuality and i was so proud. love his rainbow/gay outfits too bro has a whole fit ready everyday. anyways this comic really made me think past my inital thoughts on characters, and wonder what they were hiding within their backstories. n guess what? that’s called treating those characters as real fucking people. that’s when i knew this author was godly. jesus i love this comic. ong also there was such open communication between characters AND couples that it had me physically violent with happiness. lets not forget too, that there are some FINE big TIDDIE bitches up in this hoe. MY GOD if i could slobber over all these buff men i fucking would. every time i saw one of the brothers i wanted to fucking jump his BONES!! ILLUSTRATOR DID EM SO GOOD ONGG!!! so basically this manhua was so good i spent literally ~5 hours reading it non-stop. could not put it down and i regret NOTHING!!! cant wait for more so bad sad as hell it’s not updated fully istg