rainydays's manga / #psychopath(2)


Complete | nishioka kyoudai | 2009 released
2023-08-11 20:16 marked

the life story of a evil incarnate, a sociopath & serial killer whose choices brought him to his death. extremely disturbing read from all angles-- imagery, storytelling, overall concept it had me feeling empty by the end, though do i feel like the ending was a bit anticlimactic.

Feeding lamb

Complete | Nishin Masumi | 2000 released

bran is stuck in his addiction due to the obsessive childhood friend andy that takes care of him. andys obsession later spirals out of control as he murders and tortures those around him to keep bran to himself. hands down the most blood curdling, disgusting thing ive read on this site so far! thought i could handle gore in art form but this was pretty bad, i feel bad for bran and i liked the parallelism when andy *supposedly* gets hit by a train.