Kimi wa Boku no Koto o Suuhai Shisugiteiru.
Better Late Than Never
I mean it's hot and they switch, so!
Sukidesu, Zenbukudasai
Definitely worth a reread!
The Omega Takes a Husband
Definitely a reread
Deen My Love
The psychological aspect the MC was struggling with was explored REALLY well. I really like that the author gave a realistic perspective, and didn't tie this story up by having mc meet his "perfect match". As a matter of fact, I am so glad the author included the moment where the mc met an extreme masochist and still understood that there was something abnormal about himself and his ways in finding sexual gratification. I especially enjoyed the fact that he essentially speed ran an "exposure therapy" of sorts, and that THIS was the thing that triggered the change in MC's psyche. It wasn't the ML being in a loving, kind relationship with him, it was a devastating yet necessary event that had him confront his own mind. That said the ending was beautiful and happy and the relationship between me and ML was so sweet. They're verse, too!
Wait a Minute! Ore ga Neko Toka Kiitenai!
acceptance is a struggle. One has a slight aversion to bottoming because in their eyes, it's more seen as a "weaker" role but the author does a good job of painting this criticism as ridiculous Gay rights!
Bitch-Kun Doesn't Want to Marry «OFFICIAL»
Fugai nai Koi