On or Off
THIS IS THE BEST WEBTOON I'VE READ IN SUCH A LONG TIME!!! The art is gorgeous, the plot totally love it. I swear, I was reading with a stupid smile on my face. Just finished but want to reread it again already. I loved Yiyoung attitude and composure at tough or awkward situations. The friend, the secretary, the director! Everything!
Kikonsha Desu Kedo, Nani ka?
What a good story!!!
Tell Me You Like It
Gay porn actor teaches a heterosexual salary man the ways of sex.
A Fine Line
An emotionally constipated hobae accepts being fuck bodies with a sunbae with the lowest self-esteem ever with honest feeling for hobae. After a while, he realises that it's pointless to keep going further with the relationship so he ends it with a bye post-it. Hahahahahahahaha nice! But he didn't count with hobae being in love with him for real. He spent 2 years looking for him! It was kind of hilarious, kind of disturbing but 100% in love with him.
Love Me Doctor!