Nefer's manga / #royalty(200)

The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

Ongoing | TDMTA6Y | 2019 released

Naprosto bozi. Věčný boj proti dvanacti bozstvum. Jeho zapečetí a po 66666 letech se reinkarnuje aniz by si toho nekdo všimnul a od mala je naprosto vyjimecny. Btv božstva pokaždé když se lidstvo vyvine do určité úrovně vsechny vyhladí a jedem znovu.

Say Ah, the Golden Spoon is Entering

Ongoing | 포르토피노,신유성 | 2019 released

Ona se reinkarnovala do echt bohate rodiny jako dědička... Ma nevlastní sestru a bratra. Bratr je jeji assassin a sestra zmetek. Ona se musí vdát aby mohla prevzit podnik. Takže jede na tajnacku do kláštera a tam ze si najde muže z rytířů. Do oka ji padne kapitan, ktery je jak ledova skála. Ale nakonec si všechny zjiska a dokonce i jeho. Vezmou s ale predstaveny kostela na ně uvalí nejake pozehnani(které se nakonec ukaze byt skoro kletbou,aby se ho nemohla zbavit). No casem se ukáže ze on je korunni princ ale zdrhnul a nechce zpet. Chce zustat s ni ale nerekl ji to tak je nakrnuta... Kdo by nebyl... Každopádně jsou tam sem tam potizisti a sem tam nekdo dela problemy. Sem tam trochu divine power a sem tam curse a taky to vypadá že ona zachranila cerveneho draka co vypadá jak divna kočka.

Predator Marriage

Ongoing | Saha | 2022 released
2024-06-05 21:53 marked

Survive as the Adopted Daughter of a Genius Duke

Ongoing | | 2022 released
2024-06-23 22:40 marked

Když nic jiného je to svižné

Baby Tyrant

Ongoing | Lee Huin,Awon | 2023 released

SPOILERS BELOWreupload of "Born a Princess " but with better translations WAITING FOR UPDATES another day another dead mom After being mistreated & abused during her previous life she finally got reincarnated as the princess in her 2nd life with special divine powers & well liked by all -------------------- edit - i feel like emperor treats his 2 children differently ..A neglectful father to one child but a caring father for another .. these authors always draws such FLs with mary sue complex like the world revolves around them .. 54 ----------------------------- SPOILERS BELOW Mabel Gardenia Hermano the MC, in the past life she died from falling off a five stories building. She is called 'the seed of god' and has a divine power which gives her the ability to talk to animals and gods. She can also controls the weather with her mind, and as she grows up her power will increase more. Esteban Nice Hermano, the MC's father, the emperor of the Hermano Empire. He married twice, first through a political marriage with Pacifica Donovan, then got divorced after their son, the first prince was born. Then he married Shiana Gardenia out of love. Oscar Ale Hermano. The first prince, Mabel's half brother. He was supposed to be the next emperor, but he gave the title to Mabel and vowed to her that he will be a knight to protect Mabel. He later be the Duke of Donovan. Aidan, Devlin's Devil Probably the ML. He tried to commit suicide because he hated his life, also, he cannot die, immortal. His last owner (king of devlin empire) wanted to use him and torture him but he was saved by Esteban and was taken as a hostage. Esteban was planning to use him as a weapon. Later Mabel will chose him as her personal guard. Michael Abelardo . He is the God- King of the Holy Empire Abelardo. He looks young but is actually much way older than he looks. He wants to take Mabel because she's the seed of god. He thought that the only one who can save the world is Mabel. all from user minjikim ----------------- The male lead is Aidan, the romance is pretty cute but both characters are pretty dense and don't seem to realize they love each other romantically. Mabel is very possessive and protective of Aidan, she crushed the families of people that talked badly about him and on multiple times she says Aidan belongs to her and will be with her forever, but since she's reincarnated she thinks "there's no way I would like a kid", Aidan is also possessive, protective, and pretty jealous but he does not understand what he's feels all he understands is that he wants Mabel all to himself. from user Rubby69 ------------

Kidnapped Bride

Ongoing | 강희자매 | 2019 released

Naprosto luxusní a spletitá zapletka. Navíc skvělá kresba a a žádná nuda. Dráček co si uloví nevěstu která ho jako malá vyléčila ale to si řeknou až časem. Překonávají prekazky jak interní tak externi konflikty. Sejmou mrchu jednu i druhou, najdou otce o kterem nevěděli. A zjistí co vsechno je ona zač. A víme už teď že budou mít pět dětí.

Duke Pendragon

Ongoing | kim hyungjun,redice studio | 2019 released
2024-10-28 19:49 marked

Raven umře ale znovu se probere ale ne ve vlastním těle. Dokonce časem zjistí že v této linii ani neexistuje. Takže se chvíli ztrácí, ale pak zas najde směr. Takže udělá pakt s dračici. Pak si ochočí pak zelenych a pak dalsich nelidi. A pak super bojovníků. Kupodivu se skamaradi i s jednim princem a odmitne čtyři princezny. Taky má skoro nesmrtelne telo a obcas se ztrati v hněvu. Prej má v sobě dračího i demoniho boha. A dracice si to moc nepamatuje že vratila zpet čas nebo to jen odmita rici. No asi za vse bude moci ten zmetek duke Aragnis který je morsky drak nebo tak neco.

Lips On The Tip Of a Knife

Ongoing | | 2019 released

Swordmaster co je neteř krále a násilím se vdá do vedlejšího království za pravoplatneho krále ale to bude až na konec. Mezi tim bude hrát slabou.

I'll Save this Damn Family!

Ongoing | 무늬랑,nu | 2019 released

Zajímava reinkarnace. Do echt koulovate dcery merchanta. Ma sveho trenera/rytíře který ale pouziva sekeru. Dokomce jí jednu dá.... Je růžová.... Jinak je to hodně o obchodování, intrikách a hlavně birokracii. Máme království a ministerstva a uredniky. Máme kralovnu a tri prince bojující o post korunního prince. Mame psychopata který dělá switch mezi prvním a třetím princem. Druhý pátrá po osobě jenž nechala zabit jeho matku. Asi to bude kralovna. A.pak nasde rodinka která má asi taky divnou minulost. Tipuji ze macecha nechala zabít svou sestru a nejstaršího syna aby se k moci dostaly její děti. A do toho všeho tu mame vůdce guildy která sbírá špínu a informace. Do teď nevím jestli je to on nebo ona. Tara na sobe hodně zapracovala a rozviji svuj potencial take trochu vychází z knihy kterou cetla ale jen čtyři kapitoly. Vic autor nenapsal. Je vtipné že její mladší sestra píše knihu se stejným nazvem a asi i shodnými kapitolami. Do toho se asi princ zamiloval...

I’m the Male Lead’s Girl Friend

Ongoing | RYU HEON, Kakon | 2019 released
2025-02-14 13:32 marked

Taková oddechovka.