Nefer's manga / #Time travel(7)

A Way To Protect The Lovable You

Ongoing | Hound,Kim ji-ee,Han Yujeong | 2021 released

Vrácení se v case o tri roky do chvile kdy se měla vdát. Je tu saint josefine ktera je totalni mrcha a furt by nekoho vrazdila a tyrala hlavne svou dceru o ktere se casem dizvime ze je skutecnou svatou a mrcha mela byt jen docasnou, ale uzavrela smlouvu s dablem. Bohyne, drak a mág vrátili čas aby se vse zapadlo do spravnych koleji. Hrdinka chce vsechny chranit a pretahne od sve matky dva apostoly. A vezme si potomka draků.

An One on One, your Highness

Ongoing | Yoolook | 2019 released

Strasna ptakovina. Nektere useky na sebe vubec nenavazují a kresba je v prvni pulce uplne hrozná.druha pulka ma celkem hezkou kresbu ale zase pribeh uz neni tak propracovaný. Prakticky chudaci ostatní princove a kralove kteří ji chteli nebo si ji vzali za zenu.

The Tyrant's Annals

Ongoing | YD, NIMBY | 2000 released
2023-03-19 22:22 marked

The Baby Princess Can See Status Windows

Ongoing | | 2019 released

SPOILERS BELOW WAITING FOR UPDATES Same ol FL got condemned as a cruel villain and sentenced to death... but ended up regressing back to the past when she was 5 years again & this time she will magically become extra cute & people magnet as regression perks & every other will fawn over her .. SPOILERS BELOW in the beginning the 'evil' princess is executed in front of everyone and all of them are saying shit about her and all, while she was getting executed she sees the empress and thinks that the empress was the only kind person for her and because her dad and step-brother weren't there (during her execution) she thought that they hated her, but then something happens and she goes back in tie when she was around 4-5(?) and she finds out that she can see a status window which let's her see other's affection points for her and their thought too. then she finds out that the maid she thought was good to her didn't really like her and always thought of the princess as an eyesore and she didn't even let her eat enough food and gave her ugly dresses to wear while the maid she thought hated her was actually just a simp and felt pity for our fl, her father, the emperor comes to meet her, she thought that her father hated her but in reality he was just a cold looking jerk who just couldn't express himself and in reality was a big simp for her daughter and every time she looked at him, his affection points increase by 100 and after that they have dinner together and the crown prince is there, she is confused one more time to find out that even the crown price is also a simp for her and after the dinner the fl comes back to her palace and the bad maid is annoyed for literally nothing and our fl didn't want to deal with her bs so she said that she felt sick(she eventually got sick by the next day) and the maid left her (like seriously who leaves a sick child alone?) and then the emperor comes the next day and asks why she was left alone and after that other servants try and gain 'favor' from the princess so they could be excused from the punishment the emperor was going to give them but the emperor finds out and arrests all of them but out fl saves the good maid and our emperor daddy goes with her wishes, after that the emperor meets up with the fl and they have a nice bonding time, (our emperor daddy raises a few more 100s in his affection points) and then the fl gets ready to meet the empress and she's excited because she felt that the empress was the only one who liked her but she got even bigger shock because the empress's affection points were in negatives. from user jessid ------------- ML it's Karmen (his description in the novel also matches the man in the second cover). They meet for the first time (in this life) around Chapter 10. They meet when Siervian goes looking for a type of flower that's located close to the Magic Tower to give to her maid Ellie, who has a sick younger sibling (the flower has medicinal properties). She accidentally stumbles upon his hideout and immediately recognizes him from her previous life. He became the Lord of the Magic Tower (currently he is just an apprentice and 8 years old, which makes their age difference 3 years). Siervian remembers him heavily disliking her, particularly for the rumors about her wasting a lot food (spread by the Empress) since he comes from the slums. At the end of her previous life, he ended up being one of the people who supported her receiving the death penalty. When they meet again in this life, she's very afraid and fearful of him at first (due to her past life), but then reads his status window. Despite speaking out loud in a pretty rude-blunt way, his thoughts reveal he thought she was an angel, repeatedly calls her cute and pretty, and even thinks she may be a dream or illusion:blobrofl: Siervian quickly picks up on the difference between Karmen's spoken words and true thoughts-actions (he gives me strong tsundere vibes lol). At one point he even throws his robe on the ground for her to sit on and is just like "sit here", which shocks Siervian, as mages are normally quite proud and protective of their robes. She's also surprised by how quickly her favorability rises with him, as it raises even when she's not talking:blobxd: I don't want to spoil too much else of this meeting, but there's a bunch of really cute and funny moments! Something I do think is important to mention is that Karmen mentions that Siervian's mana smells particularly strong (he was known to have this "smell" ability in her previous life too and the stronger the smell the stronger the mana). Siervian's surprised by this, as she didn't know she'd ever had any potential to learn magic, even in her past life. Before she leaves, Karmen makes her promise to try to learn magic (his thoughts reveal he thinks he might be able to see her more if she becomes a mage like him :blobsmilehappyeyes:) and tells her she is allowed to come back to his hideout

The Evil Prince And I

Ongoing | | 2019 released
2023-08-01 18:34 marked

97 Chaos, tentokrát propadnutí v case z roku 2136 do historické asi Číny. Zase nechápu ty rodinné poměry konkubiny atp. Ona je tyrana hlavni dcera které zlamou nohy a takrka ji zabijou a v tu chvili do ní vstoupí nase genetička. Naštěstí ji zachrání osmý princck který na na ksichte pulmasku (jen na oko). Ona mu pomůže on jí taky a ona má schopnost přivolat neživé předměty ze své doby včetně léků a vakcin a tak. Časem dokonce ai rozhrani. Jinak samé intriky a skoro vraždění a zrady. Ale i tak si prince nakonec vezme a vyléčí si nohy.

Have Mercy, Your Ladyship!

Ongoing | | 2019 released

Chaos, mnohdy kapitoly nenavazují, překlad taky divný. A je to skoro stejné jako ta co byla doktorkou a skoncila s princem který delal potizistu. Ona se vratila v case ve chvili kdy ji zabila jeji poloviční sestra. Ted si opět nenecha srat na hlavu. Na trzisti ssi od zebraka koupi staré lékařské knihy které ji nejednou zachrani krk. Takřka na každém kroku trestá ty co proti ní intrikují a pomaha tem ktere ma v oblibě. V podstatě odstrani konkubinu sveho otce a nakonec zabije i nevlastni sestru v sebeobraně. Jediné pozitivum je ze to ma prijemnou kresbu a rychly spád

Queen of poison: The Legend of a Super Agent, Doctor and Princess

Ongoing | China reading,Webnovel comics,Han tai culture | 2019 released

391 fakt chaos nad chaos.... reinkarnace a dalsi reinkarnace a jediny kdo se nereinkarnuje je ocividne emperor leadr. kdo je jeho zaskok to by me zajimalo ale mozna to tam ukazovali v tech xxx kapitolach ktere jsem preskocila protoze me fakt nebavila linie kdy si ona nepamatovala vubec nic a byla jen tupy demon lord. ocividne je tam jeste nejaky pribeh za tim kdy se neco zasadnicho stalo pred 50k lety a ona si to zatim nepamatuje... je vtipne ze se ho temer vzdy snazila dostat a chtela s nim byt. on ocividne taky alespon po vetsinu casu ale ne pro kazdou reinkarnaci byl cas dobre naklonen. taky maji dite ac spolu nespali. coz trochu nechapu ale jelikoz oni dva se puvodne taky jen tak zjevili a nemaji nic jako rodice tak je mozne ze je to proste jen bytost ktera ma pul moci od ni a pul od nej. asi to casem dictu ale ted jeste fakt nevim. vypada to ze to bude jeste na hodne hodne dlouho...