Spoiled Medical Princess: The Legend of Alkaid
Vrácení v case ve chvili kdy konečně pomstila svou rodinu tak umrela a jedine ceho litovala ze nikdy nenasla pravou lasku. A to i pres to ze ten s kym nakonec skončí ji v podstatě zachranil. On je jednim z princů, ale otec ho nesnasi a kralovny a konkubiny taky. Je to chaos nad chaos. A taky je tam luxusní belovlasy general ktereho zachranila několikrát. Ona umi cinskou medicinu od sveho dědečka a potaji ji praktikuje. A jedna z jejih nevlastnich sester je původně z moderního světa a je to pěkná svině která má pocit že jí vše spadne do klína když bude intrikarit
Please Support Revenge
Z dedicky udelaji podvodem nelegitimni dceru a ji i její matku týrají az z toho matka umře. Dcera zdědí magii nomadskou. A rozhodne se pro pomstu na strýčkovi. Blbe je ze jeho dcera je svině a myslí si ze se ji nase hrdinka snazi vse sebrat. Ta se taky dohodne s dukem a ze mu pomůže zlomit kletbu.
I Will Fall With The Emperor
Ty jo takova zlounka je super Wait for ch 50 Ch 48 the 6th concubine tried to rally nobles against emperor but her reputation has fallen so no support, but one letter managed to reach to chariots other siblings and one is a half older sister who married into scorpion kingdom and when their king died, she took over as leader empress. She heard rumors of main being cunning from the letter. But saw at the party how she and chariot interacted as close Ch 46 exposed the illegal human kidnappings and experiments, main got rid if the 6th concubines family for their involvement Ch 39 reason for chariot to not use his powers is bc as a child growing up with a tyrant parent, he was exploited to use his healing powers the whole time and draining him Ch 37-38 duplicate chapters. Chariot saved main with his healing powers and ppl r surprised bc he never uses his powers for anyone Ch 35 the day of the prediction main knew that would save chariots trade ship Ch 20 next target is 6th concubine who kept sending dead cats to her and had the head maid poison her food. Main compensated to the other servants who were in the crossfire of the poison incident and now most r on her side as strict but forgiving if u r on her side Ch 17 main knew a way to stop the hostile relationship btwn chariot and yulan, the country of 4th concubine. The yulan king hated chariots previous emperor who was a tyrant and didn't want to do any trades. But bc main knew the future that the king was attacked by bandits, she has leverage. In exchange for saving his life and keeping quiet he's seeing another mistress behind his wife's back, he signed a treaty he will do trades again with chariot. Prior, chariot was suspicious of main and went his main to follow her and they reported what they saw. And her magic abilities. They think she's a witch since she knew the chariot was going to attack Ch 12 reason why bitchy 4th concubine can be freely terrorizing the other concubines is bc of her family ties r in merchant trading and they hold a lot of economic power. Emperor tried to scold her but main claims he will soon not need them anymore soon Ch 10 chariot hates needy ppl and has a reputation to get of his concubines if they step out of line. The concubines r for political ties, nothing romantic. He only accepts close to him r those who r useful. As of now the 4th and 6th concubines r closer to him. Main met the 3rd concubine and didn't recognize her bc in past life in prison, main was blind and the girl prayed for her and apologized for what the concubines did. She offered wine but main was still high strung and not forgiving. But when the wine bottle broke and main tasted it, it was not poisoned. So the only person who was nice to her was 3rd concubine Ch 8 ohhhhh my gosh, so mains real hair color is blond!! The more blond it is, the higher the magic abilities. She was told by her family to hide it bc her lil bro is supposed to be the next heir to the throne and they didn't want her to overthrow him as potential royal candidate. Main washed her hair when the concubines spilled white paint on her so the emperor of chariot was surprised by her appearance, tho he dislikes her personality like a snake and being disrespectful. Funny how he mentions that when his concubines r even worse. 2 of the same feather huh. Main shows her usefulness by knowing the future that may benefit him
Have Mercy, Your Ladyship!
Chaos, mnohdy kapitoly nenavazují, překlad taky divný. A je to skoro stejné jako ta co byla doktorkou a skoncila s princem který delal potizistu. Ona se vratila v case ve chvili kdy ji zabila jeji poloviční sestra. Ted si opět nenecha srat na hlavu. Na trzisti ssi od zebraka koupi staré lékařské knihy které ji nejednou zachrani krk. Takřka na každém kroku trestá ty co proti ní intrikují a pomaha tem ktere ma v oblibě. V podstatě odstrani konkubinu sveho otce a nakonec zabije i nevlastni sestru v sebeobraně. Jediné pozitivum je ze to ma prijemnou kresbu a rychly spád
Queen of poison: The Legend of a Super Agent, Doctor and Princess
391 fakt chaos nad chaos.... reinkarnace a dalsi reinkarnace a jediny kdo se nereinkarnuje je ocividne emperor leadr. kdo je jeho zaskok to by me zajimalo ale mozna to tam ukazovali v tech xxx kapitolach ktere jsem preskocila protoze me fakt nebavila linie kdy si ona nepamatovala vubec nic a byla jen tupy demon lord. ocividne je tam jeste nejaky pribeh za tim kdy se neco zasadnicho stalo pred 50k lety a ona si to zatim nepamatuje... je vtipne ze se ho temer vzdy snazila dostat a chtela s nim byt. on ocividne taky alespon po vetsinu casu ale ne pro kazdou reinkarnaci byl cas dobre naklonen. taky maji dite ac spolu nespali. coz trochu nechapu ale jelikoz oni dva se puvodne taky jen tak zjevili a nemaji nic jako rodice tak je mozne ze je to proste jen bytost ktera ma pul moci od ni a pul od nej. asi to casem dictu ale ted jeste fakt nevim. vypada to ze to bude jeste na hodne hodne dlouho...
Miss Divine Doctor: Conquer The Demon King