Ibitsu no Kakera
A very powerful one shot. The story mainly focuses on the POV of the older brother, so there is very little understanding of what the younger brother thinks. Somehow, there were plot holes left unaswered (probably because it's so short), but people who like dark/angsty reads might like this. WARNING: incest CONS: characters are too bony, anatomy was off in some panels
Nureru Karada (YAMAKAMI Riyu)
Not your typical yaoi story because it had a good premise for 3P; however, what bothered me was that the author tried to correct the situation by the end, which was pretty anticlimactic. Why build up on the possibility of having a 3P when they weren't (SPOILER) gonna end up together. Plus, it was open ended which leaves you in a wtf state of mind after reading.
Houyou Jikken