I would advise for everyone to read until the hiatus notice, because after that the author probably had a heart break and fucked up the ending out of spite.
If you don't count the ending then this story is really well written and drawn. The art is really good, facial expressions are really sensual, and character building is also fine. Story is relatively slow burn (if you don't count the ending), and it introduce multiple characters along the way. You can feel that the story originally would have been much longer than this.
...and now I have to rant here, so SPOILER ahead...
It is no wonder that so many gave this story 3 or less star, because the ending was so abrupt so sloppy,... no it was spiteful. The readers are angered to no end. Why? Because it was a very good story with very well written characters and settings. The story's world was fairly realistic, the only fantastical element the vampires were, but even those "creatures" are introduced as a human mutation, and the author did well maneuvering on this fine line of realistic and fantasy driven logic without breaking it's own rules. There was no plot armor no saints or unrealistic evil. It was also well written, and the romance story was so finely built up that you could not help but like it...and then after the hiatus the author started to demolish everything withing a few chapters whatever they built up before.
Like how could be suddenly be the ML be the serial killer when before we saw glimpses of the killer and he had straight hair, was older, even the face structure was different (moreover, in one of the close-ups, the killer clearly had a type of chin with a curve in the middle, but overall his face was different). The artist clearly distinguished the difference between the vampires (despite their similar skin-eye-hair color)!
BUT let's say that ML was not the serial killer but truly killed MC's abusive husband at the end and ML's childhood friend... Would MC really just kill him? She was almost a vampire-like creature at the end BECAUSE she had the resolve to accept ML and stay together with him FOREVER, but oh well, she just shot him at the end either because she was frustrated and just wanted to end this (and ML), or she saved him by not letting him stay in the rising sun (but this would have been stupid, why shot him to save him, just hide him). I think author was really inspired at the end by his/her real life romance, but something happened and out of spite, he/she had to ruin his/her characters love life.
It also makes no sense that MC calmly accept a lifestyle where she is a mistreated commoner because she was greatly mistreated and abused in her earlier years, she would not want to stay in that. I think the original intention where she was about to get liberated from being weak by becoming a stronger being (vampire) would have been the true resolution.
The Blood Of Madam Giselle