Fukusu Mobure BL
At the End of the Road
I really love the story. The plot twist. Everything!!! Uggghhh!! I WANT MOREEE!!!! It would be nice if Tae Min returns to his old body but staying at Si Won's body is still kinda cute. Honestly, I'm not disappointed with the ending at all. I actually like it BUT I WANT MOORREEEEE. Anyway, What happend to Ji Wook? Hmmm..
Ten Count
Well, I'm disappointed with the ending. Hahaha. But. I still love Kurose.
Killing Stalking
Is there new updates for the next season?
Poor priest. Love the art though.
A Guy Like You
Finally completed reading this til the end. It was a good plot twist. It was really nice how all of them showed their feelings and their past..
Love Is An Illusion
Seeing byul growing up is really making my heart so happy. He is soo cuutee!! And now we got 3 lovers!!! To be honest, I miss dojin and hyesung and byul's story.. but love the new update of chowoon and kyungso tho.
Ayashi no Hakoniwa ni Ukabu Tsuki
Just the typical BL with a fantasy set up. The teacher is too feminine for me but the devil guy is a snak!
On the bed - Hidoku Shinaide Dj