Moon and Sun(Abe Akane)
To think that a guy with no sign of fineness will end up so lovable its quite enticing I shall sure see how they will be even more cute and lovey dovey
All About Lust
Those two couples made lough and smile and all and all the Kang Beomchul& Kim Jaehee those two are the most ironic couple they so stubborn and finny at they same time and Jaehee filling shy after confessing was too cute. As for Sunjin&Woo were so cunning and lovely that I sometimes imagine if I were there
Oshiete Katekyo
All this bondage and sex is just what what it is. Lovelyand soooo hot
My Little Vampire
Yasaotoko to Sadistic
Well not but it started and I was like were is the S&N scene its a total hack until I reach it the page that I wanted to see i enjoyed it but there were few scenes
I Want to Know You
The rich thug who is actually a closet otaku and taka his classmate who has feelings for him trying to get closer. Am so loving it right now but it feels more like shouben ai if I may say
Seikaku Kuzu De Nani Ga Warui
Nice and cute
Make Me Bark