The Baker on the First Floor
Enjoyed reading, but damn I shed The story was on while other level. I like the way each character got side stories. And it ended well for everyone “I think”
Ore no XXX ga Genki ga nai Ken ni tsuite
Damn I laughed so much I’m having stomach cramp“ I love your fingers and dick” like seriously his earnest way of saying such words makes him the more innocent and cute but still I laughed too much
Thoroughbred wa nabikanai
Loved the development but wish they tackled shiba insecurities in terms of herbivore and carnivore social classes and that even though they from different species and high status they will still be together. Because when shiba raised the topic of them marrying and continuing the blood line it felt like even though they’re dating now there’s no future.
I’m all over the buff lady so sexy and mature. Please can I get her number
Shishi ni Hire