Sal Senba feels trapped. The weight of becoming the new family head , living up to expectations others have for him and pretending to want a goal that he doesn't desire are all weighing down on him but just as he feels he's about to snap he falls inside of his mirror and is faced with a mysterious and beautiful no named man who's surrounded by flowers that sal could only ever dream of. Shaal'slide isn't easy either.The weight of being. a prince having so many people respect him at his young age and the lack of people who like him for him makes him want to hide more and more inside of the personal prison he's made for himself. But now armed with a mirror that can connect his world the sals world the two lonely flowers might just find the right condition to bloom
[ Shaal x Sal ]
This is is really nice. It's really cute and the art is superb honestly. The parallels between shaal and sal is beautiful they are beautiful I love them
The Man in the Mirror