Galge no Sekai de Shinyuu ♂ ga Ore o Sukida to Iidashite!?
3/2/24 this was actual cute omg no toxicity??? omgogmgogmgmgmmgogmg
My Influencer Boyfriend
3/6-12/24 amazing omg thai s wahs like the most amzingist thing I’ve ever read/seen omgogmgozkgmkgOmgng aCUTE
You and I can't do this
3/16-20/24 OMG Hyunwoo was like actually one of the best if not the best ml’s. He was such a green flag omg like he truly cared about Youngwon It was so fucking cute. I’ve never read anything this well written so cute with. it much toxicity. I’m so happy this was made yet so sad it ends :( I wish there were more literally best thing I’ve ever read
Chotto Damatte
3/29/24 omg genuinely so cute RinRin is suddenly able to hear DenDen’s voice when he moves to a new place. He started jogging in a specific route to hear the voice better as it’s unclear when he’s at home. The voice always talked about Aoki. Like it was worried and taking care of Aoki. He was always lonely but he felt comfort from hearing such a loving voice always caring for his brother. Then he met him. (//∇//) ٩( 'ω' )٩ ٩(^‿^)۶ ٩( ᐛ )و
Bending the Spoon