Sweet Strawberry You're Mine
5/30/24 Cute but it felt like something was missing..???
Lie or Truth
6/13/24 is it considered non-con? Best friend gets curious and gives the guy who’s been in love with him for years a bj
Shitsuren Junky
6/25/24 Pretending to be straight cause your crush said he likes straight men because he thinks you’re straight LOL so cute
Muka Tsuku Douryou to Sefure ni Narimashita
7/1/24 there’s …cctv in the elevator. Right..? 3rd EWWWWWWWWE PEDO
Hysteric na Kurokami Megane-kun wa Igai to Kawaii
7/13/24 2nd couple GO AWAY I thought they were cute then I found out he’s UNDERAGED and LITERALLY HIS SIBLING WTH? the first couple ALSO talked about how an ADULT dating a MINOR was bad yet they didn’t tell him to stop
Can't get Caught! XXX
7/24-26/24 SO FUCKING GOOD OMGOGM they’re all so BEAUTIFUL but when I saw Gyugyu I fell in love I KNEW GYUSIK WAS A BOTTOM MWHAHAHHAHAHA
Gyaru Otoko-kun! Hentai Onii-san to Ecchi ni Asobou
7/26-27/24 not… my type? it was cute… but something felt.. off?
Unmei-teki Lovemeter