Galge no Sekai de Shinyuu ♂ ga Ore o Sukida to Iidashite!?
3/2/24 this was actual cute omg no toxicity??? omgogmgogmgmgmmgogmg
Ore To Joushi No Kakushikoto
3/8/24 I think this was a very realistic portrayal of someone in denial about their sexuality. Depression. Etc. When someone is unhappy they may tend to possibly take their anger out on someone else. They feel as if they don’t deserve the happiness and that it’ll never come to them. Yes, it was upsetting but very realistic. As it can get. Especially in a gay manga. :)
My Influencer Boyfriend
3/6-12/24 amazing omg thai s wahs like the most amzingist thing I’ve ever read/seen omgogmgozkgmkgOmgng aCUTE
You and I can't do this
3/16-20/24 OMG Hyunwoo was like actually one of the best if not the best ml’s. He was such a green flag omg like he truly cared about Youngwon It was so fucking cute. I’ve never read anything this well written so cute with. it much toxicity. I’m so happy this was made yet so sad it ends :( I wish there were more literally best thing I’ve ever read
Mr. Mariya and Shinigami