Shitsuren Junky
3/9/23 END Misunderstanding means that 2, guys who like eachother don't date lol. Seme liked uke from younger days and so did uke. But since uke said he only likes straight guy (cos he thought seme was straight) seme pretends to be straight. The have sex before the get together because of misunderstanding. Cute story
My Last Love Scenario
21/5/24 Ch 24 END Sequel to Hush (today) Established couple, uke who likes sex Just a cute story about ukes and seme's life together. Uke is semes first love. Misunderstanding where seme's tutoree (girl) likes seme and forces him to go out to eat cake despite him rejecting her. Uke sees them and gets mad. Ukes friend (grey haired) comforts uke and then forces a kiss on him. Uke rejects him and leaves. Misunderstanding solved after some good old communication.the end. Misunderstanding was unnecessary tbh was rushed and made uke seem completely unreasonable. Would have been better without it but guess author needed some spice or something
Fukakouryoku Unlock
2/25 Black hairs ex gf left a chastity belt on him and when blond hair suddenly said let's date he agrees but doesn't have sex. Blond is sad but finds out about the belt and then is like fuck it ill be seme. Thr end
Nyaa to Naitara