Kireina Oniisan ga Ore no Pet ni Narimashita
Obito no Hime to Kubinashi Kishi
Dragon's First Crush
Left off at ch 48 - at a source no longer available Official release by Tappytoon
The Taming of The Tyrant
second chance at life / doesn't want to be the sword of the imperial family wants revenge against the royal family and uses the 13th heir (genius) to become a tyrant = LITERALLY TAINTED HIM TO BECOME A TYRANT - before he was secretly the tyrant behind the scenes FL family never liked her and never give attention to her / now that she is putting space in between / they fell the change and wont ddisown her even though they do not like her
Sin of Heart
heart rendering crime - English name from webtoon and webcomics
Angel Diary