My Starry Sky
Ch.26 yeonduk realizes mom is at fault Ch.29 "I want you to be happy" / yeonduk leaving Ch.30 Skylar realizes mom tried to kill him / yeonduk saves his life Ch.33 Skylar real iui zes the last 8 years were a burden to yeonduk / he had ruined his life / regret Ch.35 ice cream / skylar doesnt know anything about yeonduk / wants to repay anything to yeonduk / fantasy or realization of liking him Ch. 36 realizes he loves him / feels the bitterness and regret of never realizing / jelousy over friend / realize yeonduk is gay Ch.37 will never give up /signs of possessiveness Ch. 39 necklace Ch.40 yeonduk concious - worried about skylar Ch.41 skylar enjoys yeonduk embarrassment/ letter from elementary school, realizes he liked him backed then Ch. 42 yeonduk rejects skylar / wants to be friends / skylar not able to let go angst Ch.43 confession! Skylar leaving but plans to pursue him Ch.45 GF / skylar in denial Ch. 50 skylar waits for yeonduk in snow / confession (49 is date with friends) first loves requited ACCEPTANCE Ch. 51 dating life / yeonduk anxious of skylars new things/ cute skylar Ch.53 begging to stay / never to leave / necklace / separation (55?) Ch.22 requited love / necklace h.62 - necklace given back
Naruse Akira to Ikkai Ya Retara Ore wa Mou Shinde mo Ii
Official on Coolmic - chapters are slit into 3 on Coolmic i.e. Ch1 on mangago = ch 1-3 on coolmic