Kuroko no Basuke dj - Kagami-kun no Ero-hon
A Week of Lust
on hold march7 _/ vol 2 -6 Read vol 1 (window to window spin off) Read vol 7 alpha experiments what omegas feel like / threesome /2 alphas
Yuri!!! on Ice dj: Yume no kotaeawase
Kaleido Star: Wings of the Future
Tale of the Yellow Dragon
Raws: https://tkor.rocks/%EB%A3%A8%EC%8B%9C%EC%95%84 https://rubymaybetranslations.com/lucia/ 46 - hugo scared of roses / hugo regret making the contract and understands based on her conditions that she doesn't love him 50 - hugo doesn't want to see anymore roses / hugo orders jerome to get yellow roses for the countess of falcon (anita) 58 - hugo realizes that lucia told him from the beginning that she cant get pregnant 59 - hugo finds out that lucia has a minimal footprint in his life (no requests/ no expenses etc...) 71 - anita falcon receives yellow roses (flashback) / kwiz trying to find info on lucia
Togainu no Chi dj - Open Invitation