KirzAWriter24's manga / #Rape(3)

Kimi no Tamenara Nandemo Suruyo Kyouaidanshi ni Torawarete

Ongoing | Takeru uduki | 2019 released

This is fucked up!! I physically felt sick to my stomach while reading this. Now I know sometimes you really just need to drop it.

Nothing Feels Better than Being Inside of You -Wild Sex Right after the Reunion

Ongoing | Maeda aran | 2019 released
2023-11-15 03:17 marked

Plain and simple.This is rape, gave it a chance and couldn't take more than 2 chapters, and I didn't even finish the second chapter. I read the last chapter to see if it at least ended happily and it's not complete so.... guess I'll never know. (Left off at chapter 6)

Lunch Break Sex: Legally Forced to Do It With My Boss?!

Ongoing | Nanami aisu | 2019 released
2024-01-29 09:54 marked

Terrible country program. Just the worst and this actually has rape in it.