Kuroneko Kareshi no Afurekata
Life, Love
At first I got really into it, the story was so interesting and the art was really unique. You could tell they loved each other very much. At times, I didn't like Takahiro's attitude, and it feels like it ended really abruptly, so I felt a little disappointed after reading it through. Also, near the ending I started to feel confused. Like, did he love his dad or Jack? Left me so confused... Really like it, tho. Have a feeling someday I'll surely re-read it again.
Lovely Phantom
Amazing, sexy and funny. Such a shame it ended so soon :(
Doushite Namida Ga Derunokana
So cute yet so frustrating to read at the same time... Like can someone please tie Hayakawa down to a chair (or bed ehehe) please? And what the fuck is with the Yaoi tag, THERE ISN'T EVEN SEXY TIMES! I WAS FOOLED. NOW I AM MAD (nah jk jk. But seriously tho. Don't do that)
Ameiro Paradox