Link and Ring
5.6 - how to describe this ? Maybe it’s like a step by step relationship diary - there no diary part per say, but a bunch of monologues, describing the boges hesitations and steps of the characters It’s rather modern in the sense there is not much drama and lot of thinks are talked out to find a resolution ( thanks god, no one expect telepathic powers, and with just enough support, they avoid painful silence that becomes inextricable complications That make for a very confortable read, with no angst and a good bit of fluff At the same time it like a bit of depth, but it’s still nice Once again, the intimacy part are rather puzzling, in a setting that have a real feel, i don’t feel like it’s much needed, but it not a bother either, but why do they need to decide on a specific position ? Well at least there no ridiculous feminization of any of them, there’s not to many cliches
Finally Living Together with my Anti-Fan
56 - 4.5 - i absolutely love the art, with its naive colors and cute sds like children book stuff The story is rather slow, and the ending is quite short, it feels life i final gets somewhere, but then it ends ? Strangely enough, it’s a bit frustrated, as we’d like to feast on more, yet it’s ok It’s a story about how strong feelings are sometimes sides of the same coin, it’s also about «acceptance, self acceptance, limits, freedom and what should matter most There’s a lot of unsaid, in particular in our star past, we barely brush some past that doesn’t matter anymore, just like we reach a place when choices will be made … later outside the pages And maybe that’s it, it’s a beautiful slice of life story - one of the rare good ones - nothing had really changed much, except for the perspective of very few characters, we just read about these cross road where new encounters can bring drastic changes inna life path … like butterflies wings maybe ?
Isekai Yururi Kikou: Kosodateshinagara Boukensha Shimasu