45 - 4.5 - let be honest, i prefer « trouple » love to heartbreaking triangles - but harems are far fetched … yet i can’t help loving this story very much
The MC is awesome,
- she doesn’t whine about the different values, or the morality of this polygamy,
- she’s not counting to let down a miserable xth character,
- she doesn’t bable about a virtue she’ll « sacrifice « in the end anyway BUT she’s got great values !
- she’s not either a super b&@§ç that will feast on these poor guys
- she’s not « managing « a crew with her a&@,
- she doesn’t want to sleep with someone unwilling or dutiful only
- lastly she doesn’t become dominated by a horde of horny guy with big pedigree but an unhealthy obsession for her (thanks lord!)
Instead - She wants equity freedom of choice, mutual respect, trust and so far love
So so far all of that is morally ok in my book.
- not a stupid goose, not an abusive addict, and not a heartless political maniac, or a political victim - No !
She’s a plain reasonable adult with moral conduct : how strangely rare but good ?!
This also defines how she behaves when it comes to the affair of the court, managing people and conflict, etc
There are quite a few places where her modern ethic does challenge the unfair system (king to slave)
Which makes for a lot of entertainment
Thr pace,is great, the cast is deep enough - it’s highly entertaining in many ways
It Looks Like I’ve Fallen into the World of a Reverse Harem Game