Penthouse XXX
28. dropped bc nothings really happening for me to be invested the ml is kinda "too alpha" personally
Pairing Names
Too short. They're kinda cute. I feel like they wouldn't last
They Say There's a Ghost in the Club Room
lowkey cute. side couple looks adorable too.
The Hunter Wants to Live Quietly
Necromancer Survival
dropped at i dont even know. the revenge plot is so cool. the ml is lowk too "alpha" and its pissing me off
mid. i honestly have no idea how i finished this. i started reading it as joke and somehow got it over with. the last 10 chapter were cute. way way too much smut for me to actually enjoy the story.
Kimi no yoru ni fureru
SO SO CUTE????? I HATE SHORT STORIES BUT OHHH MY GOD????? the mc did look like a child in a few panels however☹️
Guiding Hazard
SO SO CUTE???? THEY HAVE INSANEEE TENSION. i love the ml guys☹️
their dynamic is CRAAAZYYY. the tension is wild
Blue Sky Complex