Are ga Shitai, Kore ga Hoshii.
The main story is about your typical overly good looking and competent boss person and his subordinate, except the boss is a big old size queen as he fell in love with his subordinate's dick the moment he spotted it, when the dude was using the toilet. The enter a physical relationship that takes a while to turn romantic but is does, cause they like each other. The remaining 3 stories are oneshots: 1. Size queen boss's little brother gets confessed to by a guy from his older brothers company. Megane worker followed boss man home to see little brother again. When visiting his the company, little brother kissed megane (out of nowhere, reasons be unknown) and apparently little brother is a good kisser cause it made megane fall in lover with him, hence the stalking. Megane then proceeds to use an uno reverse card on little brother as megane makes little brother fall in love by fucking him. 2. This guy, whom I guess is a writer as he works from home and moans about deadlines, hires a house keeper. His housekeeper has a tough look about him and is a great cook. Writer likes seeing the house keepers face light up just a little bit when he eats something the man makes for him. When writer guy gets roofied he fights the would-be assailant of and returns home to his housekeeper, whom he developed a crush on. They have sex and the housekeeper quits the next morning as he fails to wake up early and make breakfast. They bump into each other later, with housekeeper man rushing to cook for skinny ass writer man once more. They confess and it's cuteness allover. 3. High school boy wants to un-alive himself because he feels like a failed human being for being gay(?). He decides he wants to feel the warmth of another human (specifically his crush) before dying, so he drags the boy up to the roof and proceeds to situate himself on top of his crush's dick (it doesn't go in because no prep, what a suprise). They talk and crush decides to become friends with this dude for some reason. They become close and healthy functional friends. Only for boy number 1 to have a fall back and climb onto the roof again, crush stops him, and they confess. Happy ending. Then it follows up with a throwback to main story in the form of a drunk dick measuring contest...
Sake to Joushi to Amai Kiss
Momose enters his father's company, hoping to get a good-looking female superior. Instead, he gets the average looking and male Nishina. However, through going out to drink and eat together, Nishina taking care of Momose when he's drunk, discovering they like the same video game and learning about the reason behind Nishina's position in the company, Momose falls in love with his boss and is determined to seduce the older man and love him for as long as they both shall live.
Shigekikei my Hero