The third perspective
woah wtf i rly hate his father. anyway... whew...what a "therapy" to make he overcome his fear,, it effective too...*sweats* ah, i was mesmerised by dr baek's eyes ngl they are so beautiful tho. also i thought hyeon'd be attached to dr baek but ig he was recovering? they rly said professional relationship only
WHEWWWW WTF WITH THE HEAVINESS that was nerve-wrecking AS HECKK i was literally holdinh my breath throughout the manhwa ;; my two braincells freaking broken for trying to keep up with them on every chapter it fkjng HURTS me to see law went through hell just for his mother to say it was a JOKE????? while LAUGHING??? MAAM EXCUSE ME? ALL HIS TRAUMAS, HIS MENTAL, HIS BEHAVIOUR DEVELOPED BC OF YOU MF AND YOU SAID IT WAS A JOKE??? I WANTED TO SLAP HER SO BAD!! ...shes dead anyway moving on.. law was indeed pitiful. i can't stop crying thinking how mad and messed up he became. the last thing he did WAS THAT?? it fcking HITS HARD MAN UGHH I CRIED A RIVER WTF anyway i could still handle this kind of fcked up shit. it hurts me so bad, but it had an impressive plot. i love it.
Black Mirror
AYOOOOOOOOOO I LOVE THISSSSS SOOOOOOO MUCHHHHH IT'S 100/10 FOR ME they are fucked up in a good way imo LMAOOO idc i reallu love how this manhwa never fail to make me curious and chills every time. the suspense was killing meeee and i love it!!! bruh yeonwoo is WAY TOO GORGEOUS despite the chills he gave me lul. BOTH OF THEM ARE SO SEXYYY :3 they are made for each other awwww <3 ah and fuck that master how dare he hurt joon!! he trusted you mf!! serve you right aha! i LOVE HOW IT ENDS TOO!! SO SATISFYING!! AAAA PERRFECT MWUAAAH at first i hesitated to read this because i was worried it will turn out like killing stalking(not my cuppa tea). one of my fav genre is psychological but man.. horror...?? i had to give some thoughts and gather my non existence courage before reading it lol. but im glad i read this oneeeeee!!! im so happyyyyyy <3333 *add to fav list* :D i was hiding myself under my blanket the entire time and the only time i got jumpscare and almost throw my phone was when he smiled with that creepy grin and those freaking bloody eyes LOL I DIDNT EXPECT THAT T^T
Lima Syndrome
wow did he just sent his "lover" to "heaven" as a christmas gift..?
Miscreants And Mayhem
I LIKE THIS A LOT!!! their dynamic is perfect personally i can't feel any other feeling besides 'AWW these guys are so adorable also they sick in the heads which made me love them moreee' but i love how the plot is so good that i was so intrigued. i love ryu nanmu's character so much!! i love his playfulness his grin his smirk his mullet his sexy peach (pls don't k1ll me pilgyun) i love how he's sooo protective about his family and esp his son. i love how twisted pilgyun is mweheheh and unfortunately i cruelly love how author created him :( i love how pretty he is. i loveee both of them my top fav list mostly consist of manga that successfully made me feel certain type of feelings. though this one was only did it on surface level, still, i kind of want to add this manhwa into my top fav list. fun fact this author always made top tier masterpiece! <3
Broken Boy
FUCKED UP SHIT. Proud of Yoon and Taejoon bc they able to went thru all those traumatic things. So imo the most broken boi award goes to--- Sehwan--!!! Though the glimpse of his past with his granny was heartbreaking af, all the things he did were still absolutely disgusting and unforgivable-- Turned out the story he told was not made up after all. Taejoon, Yoon and his mother; saddest thing was they cant do shit bc they were still a kid and had no power to protect themselves or ppl they loved. Their so called "father"; another disgusting piece of shit, deserved hell.
oh wow interesting!! mentally ill albino + sicko killer. they need each other i guess? perfect
Boy To Boy
PHEWWW! That was a hell of a ride. I really loooveed ittt ☹ My heart is still aching. Had a very fun journey along with Old + Young Seungtae and friends trying to prevent "someone" from getting killed. Been anticipating, giggling, frowning, sobbing together with them all throughout this ride. The suspense as "we" were unveiling the mystery was truly intriguing. The pacing was cool too bc it didn't feel rushed or dragged. Not to mention the plot, the characters, and the messages were excellent. Evwrything was so good ueueue. Again, I looovee it! Tbf the first two chapter was boring for me but the it got SOOO much much better. My fave characters areee Yeonnieee (my babyyyy) and Inhwe the fun guy~ (When I think abt it I couldn't stop crying all bc of Yeonnie and I was giggling most of the time bc of Inhwe lmao). Also, looove it when the author wasn't solely focusing on one MC's backstory. Got to know the other MCs and them supporting characters as well. THANK YOUUUU TO THE AUTHOR FOR CREATING THIS MASTERPIECEE! Really curious abt their other works. A few stand out messages I got from this 1) Be true to yourself 2) To be successful is being able to be happy 3) It is always okay to unalive someone like the old disgusting trashy pervert 4) YOLO! Live your life boldly without regret FUN FAAACTTT (for future me lol), I didnt have any expectation bc this wasn't on my list or whatsoever. I just accidentally found it and decided to read it on a whim. Sooo glad that I found this gem.
May Belongs to Me