Take Off (Jui)
brOOO it's so good!! Andrew is so adorable hE'S EVERYTHINGG I WANT HIM IN MY POCKET AND PROTECC HIM he's still a babyy look how much he loves the kids meal uwu + him blushing all the time like??? ur cute stAHPP everything about him is cute EXCEPT that enormous-asz-snakey-monster-looking-peepee hELP tbf I didn't expect I would like it this much. I am probably biased bc I loveee Andrew as a character?? lol.... S1 was funny and wholesome but S2 is quite worrying (jk this is only applicable for me) bc (putting the fwopfwop scenes aside, the main plot was great) I don't want to see Andrew to be hurt. he's too precious ueueeeeehh I just hope Andrew could 'change' Nathan hehehehe also, I rlly love to see the artist's art improvementt!!!! and I cant wait for moreee <3 leaving this with 5 stars bc why not (i love Andrew sm LMAO) 80 // he's enjoying his every sec with the underwear ever since he found it lmfaoooo
Dear Door
SAY HEY TO CAIN AND GYEONGJOON!! a demon and human, both cute hehhehe. their interaction is so hilarious!! the art and storyline are incredible!!! i just love it! >Q< Edit: OOUURRHGHH I LOVE THIS SM. Tbh if there were no side stories.. I'd cry like crazy rn.. Thank god I wait to read this after the sides are completed. (Lowkey feel like it'd be better there are no side stories. Bc the side stories feel like fan service atp lol not that i'm complaining it's just my thought) So.. Plot? Uh-may-zinggg! Character? Ummmpphh!! Artstyle? Cool!! Fwopfwop scenes?? Zero lightsaber, 100% authentic, would cause nosebleed :D Anywaysss it's a no brainer 5 starsss!!! -----Lemme ramble more----- (As usual) After 82728 years abandoned this, I've finally finished ittt yaaayy~~ Actually I'm sad.. finishing a good story make me sad even more.. Like okay I've finished it.. Now how do I find next something as good as this??? I need moreee!! So here imma start rambling on characters lmaoo- First, MCs!!! They love each other sm ueee.. I love how Cain blushed for Joon all the time :( Words can't describe how much Cain love Joon For Jiyong, I'm glad to see him happy with Aaron!! They (esp JY) deserve happiness the most. ALSO !! I'm sooo hooked with Sid and Metatron. They are so fcked up its fcking good you don't understand. YOU DON'T. I love their dynamic. It's not enough. (They are my fav pair btw *OOPSIES*) I need more of them actually. Next.. Satan and Mika.. I have nothing to say... I also love Ben with the unicorn angel but tbh I don't really like how he is different from what I expected. His first appearence kinda gave a tsun, cool guy vibe. I didn't expect he's a silly pervy guy. It's alright though because he made it funnier. The blue hair nerd, Jude or Judy is perfect rival for Gayle!! Their rivalry is cuteee lol Overall, I won't say much about how I feel about the plot bc all the fwopfwop scenes kind of A LOT that I don't want to comment / think about the actual actual plot seriously lmaoooo I kind of just let myself enjoy it
Eat Me Up, My Husband
24 // oh shit this is gem they cute asfuckjk
Safari Game
oh wow that was cozy and crazy
Full volume
oh interesting plot with a lot of fwopfwop. mmhm. i love the author's humor so much both dowon and dojin were so goofy but ifc dowon is goofier lmfaooo he was hilarious. personally i was hooked even more when dojin's story started in side story. kinda cliché but i still like it more lol. his "dream" that one night suddenly made me burst into tears lol. i had such a good laugh reading this!
Pearl Boy