Seishun Girigiri Overline
Something you look forward to..
Namaiki Kareshi
All the works of this author is so good. Mangas you definitely want to re-read.
Karasugaoka Don't be shy!!
Oh ghad all of the members in each group are kinda hawt!!! I would have loved seeing everyone frome each groupnas couples and of course such a sad thing that there was no sexy time for them.. The art is so beautiful too.. I love it so cute!! Fluffy and good for a reread..
Kowagaranai de, Soba ni Ite
One of the lil bit drama yaoi manga favorite that you can reread with having tha same emotion like the first time you read it..
Tadareta Koi ni wa Itashimasen!
Its a cute quite fluffy story with a lil smut, waiting for Yuuku's love story!! I Wish theresnreally a sequel for him.. yay!!
Keeping His Whims in Check
Well the mangaka of this manga is great with fetishes and slutty ukes, but her stories are a lil bit something you want to read, because they give you lessons also, anyway I so love this story that I think I reread it for 3x already. Lol Definitely a cute read.
Hina wa Mitsuiro no Koi ni Torawareru