Cheese In The Trap Manhwa
Complete | soon kki | 2010 released
I really love the feel of this manhwa, and Jung is so cute when he's with Seol! Of course, I can't wait to get to bottom of his complicated past, but I feel like I can see Jung changing. Plus...his manipulative side, I can relate with it pretty well of course, I don't like when he hasn't malicious intentions, but that's hypocritical.
Where Tangents Meet
Complete | instantmiso | 2015 released
Nineteen, Twenty-One
Complete | Yohan,Zhena, Jenna, Kim Hye Jin | 2010 released
This was literally so pure and the romance was adorable. I also loved how all the chapters were named after flowers!
Fatal Woman
Complete | alma,pinko | 2016 released
Ahhh, the ending killed me though. I mean, it was still good because we could still imagine that there was a chance they'd gotten together. I was satisfied with it ending that way because it was realistic, if anything.
Our Relationship Is...