I like it for its uniqueness.
Void (zariya Ranmaru)
I really felt the love at the end. Like omg yesss this whole story was so good!!
Take Over Zone
I really liked it. Even though I don't normally like sports. I like it still had a good mixture of actually caring for track and the romance.
Look for Oppa!
Like it for its difference. SO much drama and even though it wasn't the best ending it was good.
Only You
I really enjoyed reading this!! If you don't want sadness after sadness happening then I don't think this one is for you. But there is always light after a dark tunnel with this story. Even though it leaves me with such a bittersweet feeling at the end. I still liked it. I wish there was more for the ending, since it felt so rushed. I really applaud Kokoro. She was so strong through this whole manga and even when she was sad she still kept on.
Zoku Anastasia Kurabu