Forever Honey
I have tears running down my bittersweet. But i love that he wasn't alone anymore.
Hana To Ryuu
This needs to be label tragedy.... it left me sad. Until i calm down, im not happy with the im trying not to cry so much but the tears won't stop
White & Black
Its bittersweet. I love it but I cant help feel a little sadness
Ai O Kou Kemono
I need more. Its a sad story but i don't feel sad for some reason. Maybe because it was rushed so i haven't had time to really process it.
Snow Drop
It wouldn't be a manhwa if it didn't have loads of drama. I mean if it wasn't one thing it was another. In the real world I don't know if I could forgive alot of the things that happen but i guess its better to forgive than be filled with hatred. Im glad everything was resolved in the end.
Basilis No Musume
Only You
I really enjoyed reading this!! If you don't want sadness after sadness happening then I don't think this one is for you. But there is always light after a dark tunnel with this story. Even though it leaves me with such a bittersweet feeling at the end. I still liked it. I wish there was more for the ending, since it felt so rushed. I really applaud Kokoro. She was so strong through this whole manga and even when she was sad she still kept on.
Love in the Mask