Absolutely Ruined Love
Okay, I'm invested.... bring on the chapters
Blood Link
I was on the fence at first, but I'm glad I stuck it out and finished it. Super cute story
Here U Are
If you are looking for an cute and innocent love stories, you'll find them here. If you want smut, don't get your hopes up. It's still a cute story though.
Love So Pure
Ugh, this was too good. It's official, if a man's name starts with "Y" I'm in. Stick a fork in me, lol.
The Origin of Species
This had me biting my lips way too much, so good. I need this as a book for my collection.
The Corporate Slave Wants to be Fucked by the Extremely Sadistic Gangster
This was a lot cuter than I thought it would be, please keep them coming.
A One Time Mistake
I know i'm naughty, but I wish it they gave us a few more chapters
Hey Bunny
I was a little confused by the wording, and how short it was, but it was still interesting.
Can't get Caught! XXX
Super cute story with some even hotter encounters
Hit Me!