Young Announcer, Secret Behind-The-Scenes Report From A Beautiful Skin Village!
No plot, only a group of men having sex
Night Calls
No plot, only short sex between a couple of men
Dead or alive
Far West, forthish top bounty hunter + younger bottom scammer, sane love, short plot
Safety First
No plot, beginning of a relationship, sane love, couple of workers
Secret XXX
It's XXX Allergy sequel, Terapy game is its spin off. Sane cute love. Top is a rabbit shop's owner, bottom is a atudent working for him. They became a couple in AllergyXXX
Therapy Game
Spin off of AllergyXXX, it has a sequel TherapyGameRestart. Sane sweet love
Therapy Game Restart
Sequel of Therapy game and SecretXXX. Two couples going to live together, sane sweet love
Bad Plan
Cute employee + hansome manager. The manager starts his relationship with the employee for curiosity, the employee is in love instead. Sane love at the end, but the top acted as a real jerk and the bottom forgave him too quickly
Handsome Sales Department is the Ideal Master 01
There's the sequel (same title with 02 instead of 01).Coworkers become sex partners
Platinum Blood