Melancholic Spiral
Not uploaded since Feb '22. Not colored. Model + jerk dancer (he's disable after an accident and he's manipulative with the model)
Cradle of Imae
Sane love. Happy end for main characters, sad one for some of the secondary ones. Sex scenes. Plot not always clear.
Sane love. Actor and manager. Plot. Actor back in time after his death
Dear Benjamin 1.5
Florist/ex-soldier and rich gangster. With child.
Bad Plan
Cute employee + hansome manager. The manager starts his relationship with the employee for curiosity, the employee is in love instead. Sane love at the end, but the top acted as a real jerk and the bottom forgave him too quickly
Manager and "one night whore" to satisfy his alter ego. Sane love. Plot.
100% Love Gauge/Love Gauge 100%
Short story, no plot, sane love, sex scenes
[Adult BL Anthology] Erotic Toy Attack
Six different short stories, no plot, sex scenes
My first Time