Boy meets Girl
I think it’s funny how the tags for this are very PG. For a story as toxic as this, I loved it so much. I never wanted to get into it but when I did, I just kept reading the next chapter. After Season 1 ended, I forgot about it for a while and then just finished it now. I think what I liked the most is how the both of them are absolute red flags but can be such a green flag to each other (towards the end, at least). I like when people change for the better ️
The Devil
I have to admit that this story was def a guilty pleasure because as much as I hated the incest, the story line was too good to give up. Eventually the angst got to me and I dropped it for so long - I can back for the ending and to my surprise, I actually like it. Obv there is many MANY unanswered questions but it turned out better than I thought. Also, it's made known that they are not actually siblings but they were raised to be "twins". I found my answers after re-reading it all and yeah.... I still need more!!! I just want to see their baby and the life they'll live from now on. I get that not every ending needs an ending but I want oneeeeee so plsssss update with one more chapter showing a glimpse of their future.
Koi Nanka Shitakunai
Cute but seme is kind of emotionless at certain points… it was kind of off putting…. Anyways, not a bad read!
10 years where I loved you the most
I told myself that I would NEVERRR read this…. and yet here I am. I can’t even began to tell you the amount of pain this gave me. Spoilers : To see him pass away in the doctor’s arms while he was still thinking of his husband…. Even after his shitty fucking dumbass of a husband legit treated him like nothing AND cheated on him, our baby still loved him. I’m glad the doctor was there for him in the end and I understand why our baby could not fall for him. This author really put tore my heart apart…
Perfect Surgeon