Save me, will you?
Don't Press the Button
Daisuki shugite Gomennasai
Gods X Myself X Brides
Love So Pure
DROPPED…. Update : I did, in fact, ended up NOT dropping this. I originally wanted to when Sohae was sincerely pissing my main couple off but I wanted to read a few more chapters. A few more became A LOT more and I ended loving it. First Edit - I’m sorry but fuck that bitch (in the beginning) who the fuck are you to out someone who isn’t sure about their sexuality AND to make it seem like it’s your fucking business to be involved with them. I’ll read a bit more but it just ruined this beautiful manga for me…. Fucking bitch Also fuck that ex! What?? You got dumped??? Sure, be sad but don’t fucking ruin someone else’s life. What happened was shitty but NO ONE deserves to have their sex videos posted to the public like that. How fucking dare you!!!! It’s stuff like this that traumatizes a person and people really think it’ll get better with a fucking sorry. How about I kick your ass to the moon!! Motherfucker…. (Sorry but I am legit pissed off rn) Second Edit - Shooooo - I no longer hate Sohae. I was pissed off by her methods but I felt relatable when she basically noted that she is a people pleaser. All she wanted to do was to get people to like her by being extreme in pleasing them but it always came out as offensive. I am very much like her in that kind of aspect and I ended loving her despite the bitter beginning. ALSO I FUCKIN LOOOOOVE THE SECOND COUPLE. Daeshik and Yosef
Koiyume Lover