Waterside Night
Every spoiler I see about this is just our poor baby getting treated like crap…. I ain’t reading it. Update - I did in fact start reading this…. and now I want a Taeju in my life (I would legit be so in love but so scared at the same time I mean, that dick would kill me) I loved everything... Crazy how I went from refusing to read it to groveling over each chapter and overanalyzing it until my brain rots. Yeah... I became a bit obsessed hehe. Anyways, it was hard to read in the beginning but the ending made all of it MORE than worth it. A lot of times, I'm left feeling like there's something missing but this felt so fulfilling. I'm glad there will be side stories as I would still like to see their life with the baby ️
To Make A Delicious Omega Squeak
Ok! I am so fkin happy that this got another volume and the relationship is going so well ️️️ NOW I NEED THEM TO PAIR PLSSSSS!! Sachio is legit seducing his man like crazy…
Remnant JUJIN Omegaverse
Finalllllly - I have waited YEARS for this fucking update and it is all coming together. I’m so excited to see how this ends and I want to see the process of the birth. We only had the ‘after everything’ details so I need the ‘during it all’ details!! I’m so happy to have completed this ️
Minmotion Syndrome
Started reading this on Lehzin. ️ Ch 80 - I'm so conflicted.... THE END?!?! NOOOOOO, I NEED 100 MORE CHAPTERS AND ANOTHER BABYYYYYY PLSSSSS I loved it all - cried a whole fkin bunch reading this and I sobbed talking to my 2 friends about it. It was so good - def recommend 100%
Gorani Jeon
I need these two in my life so I can besties with them. I’m seriously considering showing my future hubby this so he can treat me right like Ran is to Bau. Like the green flags are overflowing - supportive, loving, big dick, father of the year, and fucking adorable ️️️
Megumi and Tsugumi