The Boy Who Grew Up Too Much to My Liking
Redeem: Only One Forever
That age Gap threw me off so much but I wanted to finish this and I loved it. Don't get me wrong - I think the age gap was unnecessary but I also liked how it gave Hangyeol the chance to see who his brother really was AND gave his brother a way out of that narrow mindset much faster. I was kind of sad to see Taehyuk face soften because he looked fkin hot BUT that was also such a sweet little detail. I tried thinking what I'd do if an 11 year old came up to me saying they were from the future and that they were my boyfriend... I'd probably think it was sweet but I kind of gave myself the creeps thinking about it. WHICH IS WHY THE AGE GAP BOTHERED ME WHEN THEY HAD "CLOSE" MOMENTS. Ok, I could go and on but I know this couldn't be me. I'm just going to say that this was really cute read and I enjoyed the plot (other than that age gap) It was actually really touching and the art did a great job portraying the character's faces and I loved the ending. Update - ok, I couldn't stay away but I really really liked it. AND I need updates on the brother and Dojun because I would loooooove to see that.
New Alpha Son, Old Omega Father