Boku no Hero Academia
…. Im crying again - I'll catch up when it hits Ch 500. - Update : It's never going to reach ch 500... I just saw some spoilers and died a little inside.
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
I laughed every fucking chapter ️️
The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life
I’ll be Taking a Break for Personal Reasons
True Education
Seeing the update on everyone’s lives within Ch 111 - I started sobbing. People are afraid of the Education team but they do so much good. I feel like this should be a thing tbh. Also as a someone who works with kids, I 10000000% agree with how that storyline went. Parents (not all BUT A LOTTTT) always impose themselves into the teaching environment and restrict what the teacher can do. AND THE RECORDING DEVICE SHIT DOES HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE!!! Crazy ass motherfuckers out there ruining innocent lives.
Jujutsu Kaisen