FFF-Class Trashero Webtoon
A part of me doesn't like it but I want to see how he gets back to his own world.
I need to let this marinate a little longer...
Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight
Honestly the red head pisses me off so much.
The Executioner (Lee Jehwan)
Not like I've got any right to judge but I do have my opinions on it. I genuinely think that if they are death row for killing multiple people then their date of execution should've happened already. Rehab for someone who is has killed over 2000 people??? Also, those two kids - I wish they could've lived a full life and that they met Raosa earlier. They didn't kill anyone except one hero (who was a fucking psycho) and they could've done so much good with proper training. I do think the MC is too emotional but I don't think he'll kill anyone innocent. Each of those prisoners may have a story that explains why they do what they do but that doesn't erase all the people that died. I would go absolutely crazy if I saw a "hero" trying to rehabilitate someone who killed my family. Hell - I'd become a villain myself if I saw shit like that cause fuck all of that. Anyways, that's my two cents
Reminiscence Adonis
Melvina's Therapy Webtoon