Golden Kamui
Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Sugimoto… honey, my pookie bear. I have loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. The way you drive into the battlefield and strike fear into your enemies eyes. Your silky smooth touch gripping the bayonet's blade, and that gorgeous roar. I would do anything for you. On a more serious note, Golden Kamuy is, as its name states, golden. It truly is a golden manga in a world of coal and shit. There is no other manga where I have enjoyed reading about each character and truly learned to grow attached to them, besides Golden Kamuy. Satoru Noda's skill when it comes to worldbuilding, character development, and pure exhilaration is unmatched. Sure, I may be dick riding. But I'd gladly dick ride Golden Kamuy any time. To say this manga had me standing up in shock at moments is an understatement. My hands were behind my head, jaw on the floor, wondering how the hell this happened or what on earth is even going on. When the plot finally began coming together and the characters' backstories were all revealed to be connected, it was just... wow. Amazing. Of course, it's Golden Kamuy. It's bound to be a little weird. But that's what made it fun to read. Especially knowing that Satoru Noda has the same ideals I do. No pretty twinks in this bitch! Closest thing to it is Hijikata's younger self. Anyways, Golden Kamuy is just so good. I'm definitely going to be thinking about this manga for a long while, and I'm supposed to be studying for exams right now. Especially Ogata's downfall. Most satisfying chapter yet. I kind of wish Sugimoto died, but I suppose he doesn't have to lose all the time.
Safari Game