Kekkon Shite Kudasai!
Uke had son with his A seme, but the seme forgot about it, and the uke doesnt want seme to remember too. they met again, and the uke become his marriage concelor
Monster Petite Panic
️️️️Funny, easy reading, ️️️
Tenshi no Sasayaki wa Akuma wo Otosu
️️️interesting story, Angles X Demon (uke) ️️️
Shounen to Kusuriuri
uke can read people mind if he touches their hands, get shoo from his village, his mom than died, and he lives with the wolf..and he find the holden hair boy who is doctor, and fall in love.
Kanawanu Koi no Musubikata
️️RECOMMENDED cute story about the guy who can see red string.. related to Akainito no shikkou
Oku made Furetemo Ii desu ka
️️ cute, simple, but problematic past on family
Unmei Ja Nai Hito
alpha protected omega from the heat, omega fall in love and working under alpha as a model.
Paradigm Shift
️️️️omega scientist, with alpha sucsessor who pretent to be normal people, gentle alpha ️️️
Okusama wa Alpha
️️️️Alpha X alpha, cute story about new marriage life and how they trying to have kids
Isso Koe ga Nakattara