Kono Inu wa Mada Amai Doku o Shiranai
3,4 Very nice but no hot sex
Outsider Communication
Want to read, it's completed
Behind The desk
Mr. Lee taesung x mr.seo 15,18,19!!! First time!!!, 20, 35-36!!!! Make up sex is always so good!!!, 38 "I'm the one who liked you first!", 39!! Confession "that's because this.. is our first time as lovers" fingering "does it feel good?... then let's do something even better now", 40!!!! So fucking hot!!!!! Love it so much intense fucking and being tangled up all over! Mr.lee seme is soooo aroused his o face!!!, 42!, 43!!, Epilogue 1,6 ok
Chihira-kun wa Maryoku ga Tarinai
Want to read from beg!! 3!, 4!,5!!, 5.5!!
Konosaki wa Futarikiride
Nice and sweet. Not my all time fav per se though 5!
Batsu Game (Conro)
All chs hot!!! Esp last 3 chapters!!
Sunbae That I Love
ML x han woojin sunbae 2!! "Sunbae I want to do it", 3!!! They're gonna do it! "Relax I'll hold your legs for you" 12!! "I'll satisfy you...I like you sunbae", 17 crossdress blows seme, 20! Who are those 2 guys?, 26 Nam Jihyun (blonde) x Han Woojin (they are band mates) 14 the past jihyun asks woojin "let's date",
Never Good Enough
Want to read from start 7,8,10
Ore no Pants ga Hitojichi ni Torarete Imasu