Love Nest (Minaduki Yuu)
4!!,5!!!, 8!!,10!!,12!! Blcd cast!! Kawahara Yoshihisa x Saitou Souma Okitsu Kazuyuki x Furukawa Makoto Blcd track act 8 is ch 5! Their first time and three sex is longer than the manga!!! So good!, Track Act 9 a small reminiscing sex part, act12! 13!, 15!!! Sex making love, 16! Love again but fail
Kiss dake de Ike souda -Soshite Oretachi ha Ochiteiku-
So effin hot!!! Want blcd in this!!! Hot arousing talks Kyosuke x Ryo nogashi 1!!,2!,3!!, 5!!!.6!!!!.7!!!! 8!!!, 10 cosplay, 11!!! Over jealousy, 12 seme joins entertainment industry- gets sick hot sucking, Read from beginning 13 Shinji Takahashi tells Ryo to confide in him he's bi and knows the mc are dating- kyosuke has to stay away from ryo cuz of media (they've been dating for 2 months only), 14 loneliness- moves to mountains in kyushu for his teacher training (4 days since he's seen kyosuke) "he would often go wild and take me.. no matterhow hard he would make love to me"! 3 weeks pass by his bro junya is so sweet and mature!, 15 getting a bad feeling about kyo getting close to mitsuki guy, 16! Almost raped- ryo shocked to see kyo's advertising billboard where kyo and mitsuki are touching lips- ryo cries shinji hugs him- staying over at shinji's ryo gets drunk they kiss and a passionate kiss before he realizes it's not kyo- ryo tied up naked shinji takes off his shirt "you haven't had sex in half a year..I'll caress you so much you'll pass out tonight ...I thought about shoving my cock into your mouth... I'll show your body just how much I love you" licks his nipple had drugged ryos drink, 17!! traumatized goes to see kyosuke leaves him voicemail- dickhead kyosuke! "Mitsuki is my bf" shit!- thank God he ran down looking for ryo - stupid caused us so much angst and now they're easily kissing but just while having sex ryo freezes and pushes kyo away due to the almost raped trauma,
Hi Manyuaru Ren Ai